Quality Policy


It is the aim of the company to be recognised and respected as one of the foremost civil engineering and stone masonry companies in Wales.



Our mission is to assure the future of the company by installing, implementing and monitoring appropriate systems and procedures in order to deliver the company’s vision and provide secure employment with the company.


  • High quality work;
  • Integrity in dealing with clients;
  • Courtesy and respect for each other, the public and clients;
  • Project delivery to programme;
  • Minimal disturbance to others;
  • High skill and competence levels in all areas of work;
  • Prevention of harm to employees and others affected by our activities and the environment.



Senior management recognise the importance of delivering projects to a high standard of quality which not only meets contractual obligations, but exceeds the expectations of the client.
To this end it is the intention of senior management to install and implement systems and procedures which ensure that projects are delivered in a professional, reliable and safe manner and in compliance with legislative requirements by a workforce which is appropriately trained and motivated and using resources which are suitable and reliable.
The company has developed a management system which meets the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001 and is committed to ensuring that the system is fully implemented and to continual improvement in the effectiveness of the system and all areas of the business.
Senior management acknowledge that competence in both construction and administration activities is vital in ensuring that projects are completed to specification, within the expected time-scale and with minimum disturbance to others. It is the firm belief of senior management that success comes from developing a workforce of high abilities with consequence that other people of similar ability will be attracted to employment opportunities at G H James Cyf. Training shall be provided to address the current competence requirements within the company as well as any new activities undertaken.

This policy will be communicated to all employees by displaying at appropriate locations, shall be reviewed at least annually and shall be referenced when compiling business objectives.

The senior management team accept accountability for the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System.

Gwilym H James, Managing Director, G.H.James Cyf., February 2018


Environmental & Sustainability Policy


It is the aim of the company to recognise that actions at a local level will bring global benefits through preserving the environment and its resources for future generations.



Our mission is to ensure the future of the company by installing, implementing and monitoring appropriate systems and procedures in order to deliver the company’s vision and provide secure employment with the company without harm to the environment.


  • Reduce, Reuse & Recycle wastes wherever possible;
  • Promote sustainability;
  • Educate workforce on Environmental matters;
  • Monitor and reduce our energy consumption;
  • To achieve continuous improvement in our environmental performance;
  • That all activities comply with applicable legal and other requirements;
  • That adverse impacts are eliminated or minimised and managed to prevent pollution.



Senior management recognise the importance of delivering projects to a high standard of environmental performance which not only meets contractual and legal obligations, but exceeds the expectations of the client.
To this end it is the intention of senior management to install and implement systems and procedures which ensure that projects are delivered in a professional, reliable and safe manner and in compliance with legislative requirements by a workforce which is appropriately trained and motivated and using resources that are suitable and reliable.
The company has developed a management system which meets the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001 and is committed to ensuring that the system is fully implemented and to continual improvement in the effectiveness of the system and all areas of the business.
Senior management acknowledge that competence in both construction and administration activities is vital in ensuring that projects are completed and with minimum disturbance to the Environment. It is the firm belief of senior management that success comes from developing a workforce of high abilities and awareness about Environmental matters. Training shall be provided to address the current competence requirements within the company as well as any new activities undertaken.
Our key Environmental Impacts and our response with dealing with each are as follows:


Waste Management.

Reduce, reuse, or recycle wastes whenever possible, whilst ensuring the safe storage, handling, transportation and disposal of all wastes arising from G.H.James Cyf activities.


Pollution Control.

Implement measures to reduce the impact of releases to air, water or land, which are the consequences of the company’s activities. Introduce and test contingency plans for dealing with accidental pollution incidents.The Company will adopt the principles of PPG6, which still prevails as the leading source of guidance in Wales.


Energy and Resource Management.

Implement measures for energy and resource management based on, for example, monitoring usage, energy efficient design, conservation, awareness and education.



Review where appropriate, and raise staff awareness of transportation and communication arrangements, with the aim of increasing fuel efficiency, and minimising environmental impacts associated with the provision of services.



Promote sustainability considerations as a basis for purchasing decisions and encourage our suppliers to co-operate with us to improve our environmental performance.


Management of Natural Assets.

G.H. James Cyf will support the effective management of natural assets through actions to protect bio-diversity, habits and species from adverse effects of the Company’s activities. We will promote specific policies, education and awareness.

This policy will be communicated to all employees by displaying at appropriate locations, shall be reviewed at least annually and shall be referenced when compiling business objectives.

The senior management team accept accountability for the effectiveness of the Integrated management System.


G.H.James, Managing Director, G.H.James Cyf, February 2018






It is the policy of this company to take all reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees and all other persons effected by its activities in fulfilment of its moral, legal and economic responsibilities. These measures are also aimed at protecting others who may be affected. 


The company is committed to implementing processes to identify, remove and reduce all hazards with the potential to cause injury and ill health; and, promoting the continuous improvement and performance of the Occupational Health & Safety management system, by ensuring its compliance with the legal and moral obligations associated with the safe delivery of its work.


It is a management responsibility to implement this policy throughout the company. 
The person with overall responsibility for the Company’s Health & Safety is the Managing Director – Gwilym H. James. However, all employees and sub-contractors have a responsibility to work in a safe manner, at minimum risk to themselves and others.


The Company will maintain close co-operation with Clients, suppliers, sub-contractors, HSE and Safety advisors to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that procedures and practices are satisfactory.


The Company will make every reasonable effort to promote amongst its employees a genuine awareness of safety matters and to create an understanding of the importance of safe working practices, together with the use of protective clothing and safety aids. Employees will be encouraged to involve themselves in the safety activities and the reporting of unsafe conditions and practices. The Company will give proper attention to the COSHH regulations and provide adequate training to all employees. The Company believes in continuous professional development.


The company will establish appropriate documented procedures and will define responsibility and accountability for safety at all levels. The company has implemented BS ISO 45001:2018. External Specialist consultants are appointed to advise on relevant topics as required.  Any difficulty arising from the implementation of this policy should initially be referred to the designated safety officer or, ultimately, to the Managing Director, who has the overall responsibility for Health, Safety and Environment matters.


The Company will permit such safety representation as prescribed under the Health + Safety (consultation with employees) Regulation (HSCER) 1996 and will consult with such safety representatives on all matters relating to health and safety.


The Health & Safety Policy will be reviewed twice per annum annually, in April and October, to coincide with the HSE’s “Common Commencement Dates” for the introduction of new health & safety legislation; or, as required or deemed necessary in the interim periods. The company will continuously monitor its occupational health & safety objectives that are set in Management Review processes. The Health & Safety Policy will be reviewed periodically following the introduction of new or changed health and safety legislation or as deemed necessary by the senior management team.


A copy of this Policy Statement will be displayed at all places of work including the Head Office.


G.H.James, Managing Director, G.H.James Cyf, November 2021


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